Authorized Signatory
5.1 Each withdrawal application (WA) is signed by the borrower’s duly authorized
representative(s). In accordance with the Loan Regulations and loan agreement, the
Asian Development Bank (ADB) requires the borrower’s representative designated
in the loan agreement to furnish sufficient evidence of the authority of the person(s)
who will sign the WA, together with their authenticated specimen signatures
(Appendix 4B). The evidence must reach ADB before the borrower submits the
first WA.
Allocating Loan Proceeds
5.2 Items to be financed by ADB loans are usually grouped into cost categories.
The loan agreement between the borrower and ADB presents the amount allocated
to each category of project expenditure (normally, this is presented in “Attachment to
Schedule 3” of the loan agreement). Reallocation from one category to another may be
allowed unless prohibited in the loan agreement.
5.3 The allocation of loan proceeds to the various categories must be completed and
inserted for all types of project loan agreements (including sector loans, unless the
information necessary to complete the allocation is not available at the time of the
approval). For financial intermediation loans, the allocation of loan proceeds may or
may not be attached to the loan agreement.
Withdrawal Application
5.4 For all disbursement,
ADB must receive a WA in the prescribed form. A WA is a
written request from the borrower2
to ADB to disburse funds from the borrower’s loan
account. A WA consists of
ȕ the application itself in letter form (Appendixes 7A, 8A, 10A, and 11A);
ȕ summary sheet(s) for each cost category claimed (Appendixes 7B and 8B);
ȕ supporting documents; and
ȕ summary sheet(s) and supporting documents, which may be substituted by
simplified documentation, if approved (Sections 9.7–9.30).
Authorized Signatory 5.1 Each withdrawal application (WA)
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