if SWIFT BIC for the correspondent bank is not available, Fedwire ABA Number
and CHIPS Participant Number for US dollar payments; and
ȕ special instructions or references to facilitate payment or identification of
payment, where applicable.
ADB’s Contract Reference Number:
Procurement Contract Summary Sheet Number
5.11 The borrower is responsible for managing its contracts in accordance with ADB’s
guidelines, and for maintaining records for all signed contracts in a contract ledger
(Section 4.5). In principle, the borrower should obtain approval for contracts before
requesting disbursements under the contracts. Disbursements are charged to the
approved contracts and recorded in the contract ledger.
5.12 The PCSS number3
is assigned by ADB for identifying a particular contract approved
by the borrower and submitted to ADB under a particular loan. The PCSS includes the
ȕ ADB contract number;
ȕ date of contract approval;
ȕ mode of procurement and/or consultant selection method;
ȕ name of contractor or supplier;
ȕ terms of payment and currencies of contract;
ȕ price escalation clause (yes/no);
ȕ total amount of the contract;
ȕ amount to be financed by ADB; and
ȕ ADB’s disbursement percentage.
5.13 The PCSS number should be indicated on the summary sheet (Appendixes 7B and 8B).
To find the number, refer to ADB’s monthly report named List of Contract by Executing
Agency, which is available in the Loan Financial Information System (LFIS) or Grant
Financial Information System (GFIS) website (Chapter 14).
Sample Forms of Withdrawal Applications
5.14 WA forms and summary sheets vary for different procedures (e.g., Appendix 7A
for direct payment and reimbursement procedures, Appendix 8A for commitment
procedure, Appendix 10A for imprest fund procedure, and Appendix 11A for policybased loan). For the borrower’s convenience, these forms can be downloaded from the
LFIS/GFIS website (http://lfis.adb.org).
The borrower is responsible for managing its contracts in accordance with ADB’s
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