The corresponding bank statement and the imprest account reconciliation
statement (Appendix 10C) are also required to be submitted with the WA. The WA
must be prepared in the currency of the imprest account.
10.16 Replenishment of advances is normally provided only until 6 months before the loan
closing date.
10.17 As ADB provides advances to cover projected eligible expenditure for 6 months, the
target turnover ratio of the imprest account is 2.0 per annum.
If the turnover ratio
of the imprest account is lower than the target, ADB may reduce the level of advance
to the imprest account by adjusting the amount of replenishment or by requesting a
refund to ADB, as appropriate.
10.18 If replenishment by ADB to the imprest account is less than the amount of the WA,
ADB will notify the borrower in writing, by fax, email, or other means such as the
Loan Financial Information System or Grant Financial Information System website
(Section 4.10 and Chapter 14).
10.19 If the requested level of advance is larger than appropriate level of advance (items 7
and 8 of Appendix 10C) or additional advances are required for project activities, the
borrower should submit the estimate of expenditures (Section 10.12 and Appendix 10B).
If justified, replenishment and/or additional advance may be provided.
Final Liquidation of Advances to the Imprest Account
10.20 All advances to the imprest account are to be liquidated by ADB’s share of eligible
expenditures incurred on or before the loan closing date.
10.21 Advances are normally liquidated without replenishment during the 6-month
period prior to the loan closing date in order to ensure (i) refund of advance is zero
or a minimal amount, and (ii) the borrower can obtain supporting documentation
for clearing the outstanding advances before the end of the winding-up period
(Sections 10.15–10.19).
Refund of Advance
10.22 Any unliquidated balance of the advance to the imprest account must be promptly
refunded to ADB (Sections 4.18 and 4.20–4.22). Refund of imprest advance is normally
in the currency of the imprest account. If the currency of the imprest account (e.g.,
US dollars) is different from the currency of loan account (e.g., special drawing right
[SDR]), exchange difference between the amount charged to the loan account when
the advance was originally made and the equivalent amount at the time of refund are
absorbed in the borrower’s loan account.
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